Comma-separated values

Filename extension:

We may know comma-separated values (CSV) file mostly by working with people who use spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel. As the native file format of such software might be cumbersome to read, we kindly ask for a CSV export of those spreadsheets.

Typically a CSV file is a plain text format which contains one record per line with several delimiter separated fields. The sequence of the fields is the same for every records.

Note that CSV files are not standardized, and as such a lot of different flavors exist. The delimiter, for example, does not necessary have to be a comma, it could also be a simple space. If the delimiter is part of a field value, for example, in a string, an escape character is required, which depends on the flavor of the CSV implementation. Comments are also treated differently in each implementation, with some allowing comments in the header via #, and others not supporting them at all

Hence, CSV files may be used for very simple files, but may proof unsuitable for complex data.

Let us take a look at a CSV file that is the result of an atomistic simulation which is stored in a file:

with open('md_result.csv', 'r') as f:
# Atom types:
# - He: Helium
# - Ar: Argon
# Potentials:
# - He: Lennard-Jones potential with epsilon/k_B = 10.22 K, sigma = 256 pm
# - Ar: Lennard-Jones potential with epsilon/k_B = 120 K, sigma = 341 pm
# Simulation box size: 100 µm x 200 µm x 300 µm
# Periodic boundary conditions in all directions
# Step: 0
# Time: 0 s
# All quantities are given in SI units
atom_id type x-position y-position z-position x-velocity y-velocity z-velocity
0 He 5.7222e-07 4.8811e-09 2.0415e-07 -2.9245e+01 1.0045e+02 1.2828e+02
1 He 9.7710e-07 3.6371e-07 4.7311e-07 -1.9926e+02 2.3275e+02 -5.3438e+02
2 Ar 6.4989e-07 6.7873e-07 9.5000e-07 -1.5592e+00 -3.7876e+02 8.4091e+01
3 Ar 5.9024e-08 3.7138e-07 7.3455e-08 3.4282e+02 1.5682e+02 -3.8991e+01
4 He 7.6746e-07 8.3017e-08 4.8520e-07 -3.0450e+01 -3.7975e+02 -3.3632e+02
5 Ar 1.7226e-07 4.6023e-07 4.7356e-08 -3.1151e+02 -4.2939e+02 -6.9474e+02
6 Ar 9.6394e-07 7.2845e-07 8.8623e-07 -8.2636e+01 4.5098e+01 -1.0626e+01
7 He 5.4450e-07 4.6373e-07 6.2270e-07 1.5889e+02 2.5858e+02 -1.5150e+02
8 He 7.9322e-07 9.4700e-07 3.5194e-08 -1.9703e+02 1.5674e+02 -1.8520e+02
9 Ar 2.7797e-07 1.6487e-07 8.2403e-07 -3.8650e+01 -6.9632e+02 2.1642e+02
10 He 1.1842e-07 6.3244e-07 5.0958e-07 -1.4963e+02 4.2288e+02 -7.6309e+01
11 Ar 2.0359e-07 8.3369e-07 9.6348e-07 4.8457e+02 -2.6741e+02 -3.5254e+02
12 He 5.1019e-07 2.2470e-07 2.3846e-08 -2.3192e+02 -9.9510e+01 3.2770e+01
13 Ar 3.5383e-07 8.4581e-07 7.2340e-07 -3.0395e+02 4.7316e+01 2.2253e+02
14 He 3.8515e-07 2.8940e-07 5.6028e-07 2.3308e+02 2.5418e+02 4.2983e+02
15 He 1.5842e-07 9.8225e-07 5.7859e-07 1.9963e+02 2.0311e+02 -4.2560e+02
16 He 3.6831e-07 7.6520e-07 2.9884e-07 6.6341e+01 2.2232e+02 -9.7653e+01
17 He 2.8696e-07 1.5129e-07 6.4060e-07 9.0358e+01 -6.7459e+01 -6.4782e+01
18 He 1.0325e-07 9.9012e-07 3.4381e-07 7.1108e+01 1.1060e+01 1.5912e+01
19 Ar 4.3929e-07 7.5363e-07 9.9974e-07 2.3919e+02 1.7383e+02 3.3529e+02

Note that the first row that is not a comment holds the field names. This will be important for later. Using the csv from the Python standard library we can read it in nicely:

import csv

number_of_rows_to_skip = 12
with open('md_result.csv', 'r', newline='') as f:
    # skip the first rows
    for _ in range(number_of_rows_to_skip):

    csv_reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ')
    for row in csv_reader:

Which then results in the following output:

['0', 'He', '5.7222e-07', '4.8811e-09', '2.0415e-07', '-2.9245e+01', '1.0045e+02', '1.2828e+02']
['1', 'He', '9.7710e-07', '3.6371e-07', '4.7311e-07', '-1.9926e+02', '2.3275e+02', '-5.3438e+02']
['2', 'Ar', '6.4989e-07', '6.7873e-07', '9.5000e-07', '-1.5592e+00', '-3.7876e+02', '8.4091e+01']
['3', 'Ar', '5.9024e-08', '3.7138e-07', '7.3455e-08', '3.4282e+02', '1.5682e+02', '-3.8991e+01']
['4', 'He', '7.6746e-07', '8.3017e-08', '4.8520e-07', '-3.0450e+01', '-3.7975e+02', '-3.3632e+02']
['5', 'Ar', '1.7226e-07', '4.6023e-07', '4.7356e-08', '-3.1151e+02', '-4.2939e+02', '-6.9474e+02']
['6', 'Ar', '9.6394e-07', '7.2845e-07', '8.8623e-07', '-8.2636e+01', '4.5098e+01', '-1.0626e+01']
['7', 'He', '5.4450e-07', '4.6373e-07', '6.2270e-07', '1.5889e+02', '2.5858e+02', '-1.5150e+02']
['8', 'He', '7.9322e-07', '9.4700e-07', '3.5194e-08', '-1.9703e+02', '1.5674e+02', '-1.8520e+02']
['9', 'Ar', '2.7797e-07', '1.6487e-07', '8.2403e-07', '-3.8650e+01', '-6.9632e+02', '2.1642e+02']
['10', 'He', '1.1842e-07', '6.3244e-07', '5.0958e-07', '-1.4963e+02', '4.2288e+02', '-7.6309e+01']
['11', 'Ar', '2.0359e-07', '8.3369e-07', '9.6348e-07', '4.8457e+02', '-2.6741e+02', '-3.5254e+02']
['12', 'He', '5.1019e-07', '2.2470e-07', '2.3846e-08', '-2.3192e+02', '-9.9510e+01', '3.2770e+01']
['13', 'Ar', '3.5383e-07', '8.4581e-07', '7.2340e-07', '-3.0395e+02', '4.7316e+01', '2.2253e+02']
['14', 'He', '3.8515e-07', '2.8940e-07', '5.6028e-07', '2.3308e+02', '2.5418e+02', '4.2983e+02']
['15', 'He', '1.5842e-07', '9.8225e-07', '5.7859e-07', '1.9963e+02', '2.0311e+02', '-4.2560e+02']
['16', 'He', '3.6831e-07', '7.6520e-07', '2.9884e-07', '6.6341e+01', '2.2232e+02', '-9.7653e+01']
['17', 'He', '2.8696e-07', '1.5129e-07', '6.4060e-07', '9.0358e+01', '-6.7459e+01', '-6.4782e+01']
['18', 'He', '1.0325e-07', '9.9012e-07', '3.4381e-07', '7.1108e+01', '1.1060e+01', '1.5912e+01']
['19', 'Ar', '4.3929e-07', '7.5363e-07', '9.9974e-07', '2.3919e+02', '1.7383e+02', '3.3529e+02']

But as you can see all the numbers are read in as strings. This is due to CSV files not preserving the type information. A quick hack might be the following:

import csv

number_of_rows_to_skip = 12
possible_types = (int, float, str)

with open('md_result.csv', 'r', newline='') as f:
    # skip the first rows
    for _ in range(number_of_rows_to_skip):

    csv_reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ')
    for row in csv_reader:
        for i, entry in enumerate(row):
            for possible_type in possible_types:
                    entry = possible_type(entry)
                except ValueError:
                    row[i] = entry

Here we define an order of types to check for, in this example we first check whether the entry can be cast to an integer, then to a float, and then to a string. If a casting operation succeeds, we set the entry of the row to the new value and exit the loop that checks for the types. Now the output is closer to what we would like.

[0, 'He', 5.7222e-07, 4.8811e-09, 2.0415e-07, -29.245, 100.45, 128.28]
[1, 'He', 9.771e-07, 3.6371e-07, 4.7311e-07, -199.26, 232.75, -534.38]
[2, 'Ar', 6.4989e-07, 6.7873e-07, 9.5e-07, -1.5592, -378.76, 84.091]
[3, 'Ar', 5.9024e-08, 3.7138e-07, 7.3455e-08, 342.82, 156.82, -38.991]
[4, 'He', 7.6746e-07, 8.3017e-08, 4.852e-07, -30.45, -379.75, -336.32]
[5, 'Ar', 1.7226e-07, 4.6023e-07, 4.7356e-08, -311.51, -429.39, -694.74]
[6, 'Ar', 9.6394e-07, 7.2845e-07, 8.8623e-07, -82.636, 45.098, -10.626]
[7, 'He', 5.445e-07, 4.6373e-07, 6.227e-07, 158.89, 258.58, -151.5]
[8, 'He', 7.9322e-07, 9.47e-07, 3.5194e-08, -197.03, 156.74, -185.2]
[9, 'Ar', 2.7797e-07, 1.6487e-07, 8.2403e-07, -38.65, -696.32, 216.42]
[10, 'He', 1.1842e-07, 6.3244e-07, 5.0958e-07, -149.63, 422.88, -76.309]
[11, 'Ar', 2.0359e-07, 8.3369e-07, 9.6348e-07, 484.57, -267.41, -352.54]
[12, 'He', 5.1019e-07, 2.247e-07, 2.3846e-08, -231.92, -99.51, 32.77]
[13, 'Ar', 3.5383e-07, 8.4581e-07, 7.234e-07, -303.95, 47.316, 222.53]
[14, 'He', 3.8515e-07, 2.894e-07, 5.6028e-07, 233.08, 254.18, 429.83]
[15, 'He', 1.5842e-07, 9.8225e-07, 5.7859e-07, 199.63, 203.11, -425.6]
[16, 'He', 3.6831e-07, 7.652e-07, 2.9884e-07, 66.341, 222.32, -97.653]
[17, 'He', 2.8696e-07, 1.5129e-07, 6.406e-07, 90.358, -67.459, -64.782]
[18, 'He', 1.0325e-07, 9.9012e-07, 3.4381e-07, 71.108, 11.06, 15.912]
[19, 'Ar', 4.3929e-07, 7.5363e-07, 9.9974e-07, 239.19, 173.83, 335.29]

But programming with this still requires you to know exactly which field number corresponds to which entry. And maybe your format may differ from file to file, so that your hardcoded indices lead to wrong results. It would be better if we could somehow access the fields by names, e.g., row['id'] to get the id of the record. This is where csv.DictReader comes in.

>>> import csv
>>> number_of_rows_to_skip = 11
>>> with open('md_result.csv', 'r', newline='') as f:
...     # skip the first rows
...     for _ in range(number_of_rows_to_skip):
...         next(f)
...     csv_reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=' ')
...     for row in csv_reader:
...         print(row)
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '0'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '5.7222e-07'), ('y-position', '4.8811e-09'), ('z-position', '2.0415e-07'), ('x-velocity', '-2.9245e+01'), ('y-velocity', '1.0045e+02'), ('z-velocity', '1.2828e+02')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '1'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '9.7710e-07'), ('y-position', '3.6371e-07'), ('z-position', '4.7311e-07'), ('x-velocity', '-1.9926e+02'), ('y-velocity', '2.3275e+02'), ('z-velocity', '-5.3438e+02')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '2'), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', '6.4989e-07'), ('y-position', '6.7873e-07'), ('z-position', '9.5000e-07'), ('x-velocity', '-1.5592e+00'), ('y-velocity', '-3.7876e+02'), ('z-velocity', '8.4091e+01')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '3'), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', '5.9024e-08'), ('y-position', '3.7138e-07'), ('z-position', '7.3455e-08'), ('x-velocity', '3.4282e+02'), ('y-velocity', '1.5682e+02'), ('z-velocity', '-3.8991e+01')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '4'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '7.6746e-07'), ('y-position', '8.3017e-08'), ('z-position', '4.8520e-07'), ('x-velocity', '-3.0450e+01'), ('y-velocity', '-3.7975e+02'), ('z-velocity', '-3.3632e+02')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '5'), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', '1.7226e-07'), ('y-position', '4.6023e-07'), ('z-position', '4.7356e-08'), ('x-velocity', '-3.1151e+02'), ('y-velocity', '-4.2939e+02'), ('z-velocity', '-6.9474e+02')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '6'), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', '9.6394e-07'), ('y-position', '7.2845e-07'), ('z-position', '8.8623e-07'), ('x-velocity', '-8.2636e+01'), ('y-velocity', '4.5098e+01'), ('z-velocity', '-1.0626e+01')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '7'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '5.4450e-07'), ('y-position', '4.6373e-07'), ('z-position', '6.2270e-07'), ('x-velocity', '1.5889e+02'), ('y-velocity', '2.5858e+02'), ('z-velocity', '-1.5150e+02')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '8'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '7.9322e-07'), ('y-position', '9.4700e-07'), ('z-position', '3.5194e-08'), ('x-velocity', '-1.9703e+02'), ('y-velocity', '1.5674e+02'), ('z-velocity', '-1.8520e+02')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '9'), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', '2.7797e-07'), ('y-position', '1.6487e-07'), ('z-position', '8.2403e-07'), ('x-velocity', '-3.8650e+01'), ('y-velocity', '-6.9632e+02'), ('z-velocity', '2.1642e+02')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '10'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '1.1842e-07'), ('y-position', '6.3244e-07'), ('z-position', '5.0958e-07'), ('x-velocity', '-1.4963e+02'), ('y-velocity', '4.2288e+02'), ('z-velocity', '-7.6309e+01')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '11'), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', '2.0359e-07'), ('y-position', '8.3369e-07'), ('z-position', '9.6348e-07'), ('x-velocity', '4.8457e+02'), ('y-velocity', '-2.6741e+02'), ('z-velocity', '-3.5254e+02')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '12'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '5.1019e-07'), ('y-position', '2.2470e-07'), ('z-position', '2.3846e-08'), ('x-velocity', '-2.3192e+02'), ('y-velocity', '-9.9510e+01'), ('z-velocity', '3.2770e+01')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '13'), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', '3.5383e-07'), ('y-position', '8.4581e-07'), ('z-position', '7.2340e-07'), ('x-velocity', '-3.0395e+02'), ('y-velocity', '4.7316e+01'), ('z-velocity', '2.2253e+02')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '14'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '3.8515e-07'), ('y-position', '2.8940e-07'), ('z-position', '5.6028e-07'), ('x-velocity', '2.3308e+02'), ('y-velocity', '2.5418e+02'), ('z-velocity', '4.2983e+02')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '15'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '1.5842e-07'), ('y-position', '9.8225e-07'), ('z-position', '5.7859e-07'), ('x-velocity', '1.9963e+02'), ('y-velocity', '2.0311e+02'), ('z-velocity', '-4.2560e+02')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '16'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '3.6831e-07'), ('y-position', '7.6520e-07'), ('z-position', '2.9884e-07'), ('x-velocity', '6.6341e+01'), ('y-velocity', '2.2232e+02'), ('z-velocity', '-9.7653e+01')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '17'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '2.8696e-07'), ('y-position', '1.5129e-07'), ('z-position', '6.4060e-07'), ('x-velocity', '9.0358e+01'), ('y-velocity', '-6.7459e+01'), ('z-velocity', '-6.4782e+01')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '18'), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', '1.0325e-07'), ('y-position', '9.9012e-07'), ('z-position', '3.4381e-07'), ('x-velocity', '7.1108e+01'), ('y-velocity', '1.1060e+01'), ('z-velocity', '1.5912e+01')])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', '19'), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', '4.3929e-07'), ('y-position', '7.5363e-07'), ('z-position', '9.9974e-07'), ('x-velocity', '2.3919e+02'), ('y-velocity', '1.7383e+02'), ('z-velocity', '3.3529e+02')])


If you are not using at least Python 3.6 the DictReader returns regular dict instead of its ordered variant, OrderedDict.

Now that the fields are in an OrderedDict, the routine to cast the field entries is slightly different:

>>> number_of_rows_to_skip = 11
>>> with open('md_result.csv', 'r', newline='') as f:
...     # skip the first rows
...     for _ in range(number_of_rows_to_skip):
...         next(f)
...     csv_reader = csv.DictReader(f, delimiter=' ')
...     for row in csv_reader:
...         for key, entry in row.items():
...             for possible_type in possible_types:
...                 try:
...                     entry = possible_type(entry)
...                 except ValueError:
...                     continue
...                 except:
...                     raise
...                 else:
...                     row[key] = entry
...                     break
...         print(row)
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 0), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 5.7222e-07), ('y-position', 4.8811e-09), ('z-position', 2.0415e-07), ('x-velocity', -29.245), ('y-velocity', 100.45), ('z-velocity', 128.28)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 1), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 9.771e-07), ('y-position', 3.6371e-07), ('z-position', 4.7311e-07), ('x-velocity', -199.26), ('y-velocity', 232.75), ('z-velocity', -534.38)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 2), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', 6.4989e-07), ('y-position', 6.7873e-07), ('z-position', 9.5e-07), ('x-velocity', -1.5592), ('y-velocity', -378.76), ('z-velocity', 84.091)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 3), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', 5.9024e-08), ('y-position', 3.7138e-07), ('z-position', 7.3455e-08), ('x-velocity', 342.82), ('y-velocity', 156.82), ('z-velocity', -38.991)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 4), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 7.6746e-07), ('y-position', 8.3017e-08), ('z-position', 4.852e-07), ('x-velocity', -30.45), ('y-velocity', -379.75), ('z-velocity', -336.32)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 5), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', 1.7226e-07), ('y-position', 4.6023e-07), ('z-position', 4.7356e-08), ('x-velocity', -311.51), ('y-velocity', -429.39), ('z-velocity', -694.74)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 6), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', 9.6394e-07), ('y-position', 7.2845e-07), ('z-position', 8.8623e-07), ('x-velocity', -82.636), ('y-velocity', 45.098), ('z-velocity', -10.626)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 7), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 5.445e-07), ('y-position', 4.6373e-07), ('z-position', 6.227e-07), ('x-velocity', 158.89), ('y-velocity', 258.58), ('z-velocity', -151.5)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 8), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 7.9322e-07), ('y-position', 9.47e-07), ('z-position', 3.5194e-08), ('x-velocity', -197.03), ('y-velocity', 156.74), ('z-velocity', -185.2)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 9), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', 2.7797e-07), ('y-position', 1.6487e-07), ('z-position', 8.2403e-07), ('x-velocity', -38.65), ('y-velocity', -696.32), ('z-velocity', 216.42)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 10), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 1.1842e-07), ('y-position', 6.3244e-07), ('z-position', 5.0958e-07), ('x-velocity', -149.63), ('y-velocity', 422.88), ('z-velocity', -76.309)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 11), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', 2.0359e-07), ('y-position', 8.3369e-07), ('z-position', 9.6348e-07), ('x-velocity', 484.57), ('y-velocity', -267.41), ('z-velocity', -352.54)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 12), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 5.1019e-07), ('y-position', 2.247e-07), ('z-position', 2.3846e-08), ('x-velocity', -231.92), ('y-velocity', -99.51), ('z-velocity', 32.77)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 13), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', 3.5383e-07), ('y-position', 8.4581e-07), ('z-position', 7.234e-07), ('x-velocity', -303.95), ('y-velocity', 47.316), ('z-velocity', 222.53)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 14), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 3.8515e-07), ('y-position', 2.894e-07), ('z-position', 5.6028e-07), ('x-velocity', 233.08), ('y-velocity', 254.18), ('z-velocity', 429.83)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 15), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 1.5842e-07), ('y-position', 9.8225e-07), ('z-position', 5.7859e-07), ('x-velocity', 199.63), ('y-velocity', 203.11), ('z-velocity', -425.6)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 16), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 3.6831e-07), ('y-position', 7.652e-07), ('z-position', 2.9884e-07), ('x-velocity', 66.341), ('y-velocity', 222.32), ('z-velocity', -97.653)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 17), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 2.8696e-07), ('y-position', 1.5129e-07), ('z-position', 6.406e-07), ('x-velocity', 90.358), ('y-velocity', -67.459), ('z-velocity', -64.782)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 18), ('type', 'He'), ('x-position', 1.0325e-07), ('y-position', 9.9012e-07), ('z-position', 3.4381e-07), ('x-velocity', 71.108), ('y-velocity', 11.06), ('z-velocity', 15.912)])
OrderedDict([('atom_id', 19), ('type', 'Ar'), ('x-position', 4.3929e-07), ('y-position', 7.5363e-07), ('z-position', 9.9974e-07), ('x-velocity', 239.19), ('y-velocity', 173.83), ('z-velocity', 335.29)])

As long as the field names are consistent across files you can write code that needs less maintenance.

Another way of reading CSV files is by using the loadtxt() function of NumPy. By specifying the data type as you would for Structured arrays the type conversion is done for you, while retaining the dictionary like behavior. You can also specify a comment character that should be ignored and the amount of rows to skip:

csv_dtype = [
    ('atom_id', np.int32),
    ('type', np.string_, 2),
    ('position', np.float64, 3),
    ('velocity', np.float64, 3)
with open('md_result.csv', 'r') as f:
    md_data = np.loadtxt(f, dtype=csv_dtype, skiprows=12)
[ ( 0, b'He', [  5.72220000e-07,   4.88110000e-09,   2.04150000e-07], [ -29.245 ,  100.45  ,  128.28  ])
 ( 1, b'He', [  9.77100000e-07,   3.63710000e-07,   4.73110000e-07], [-199.26  ,  232.75  , -534.38  ])
 ( 2, b'Ar', [  6.49890000e-07,   6.78730000e-07,   9.50000000e-07], [  -1.5592, -378.76  ,   84.091 ])
 ( 3, b'Ar', [  5.90240000e-08,   3.71380000e-07,   7.34550000e-08], [ 342.82  ,  156.82  ,  -38.991 ])
 ( 4, b'He', [  7.67460000e-07,   8.30170000e-08,   4.85200000e-07], [ -30.45  , -379.75  , -336.32  ])
 ( 5, b'Ar', [  1.72260000e-07,   4.60230000e-07,   4.73560000e-08], [-311.51  , -429.39  , -694.74  ])
 ( 6, b'Ar', [  9.63940000e-07,   7.28450000e-07,   8.86230000e-07], [ -82.636 ,   45.098 ,  -10.626 ])
 ( 7, b'He', [  5.44500000e-07,   4.63730000e-07,   6.22700000e-07], [ 158.89  ,  258.58  , -151.5   ])
 ( 8, b'He', [  7.93220000e-07,   9.47000000e-07,   3.51940000e-08], [-197.03  ,  156.74  , -185.2   ])
 ( 9, b'Ar', [  2.77970000e-07,   1.64870000e-07,   8.24030000e-07], [ -38.65  , -696.32  ,  216.42  ])
 (10, b'He', [  1.18420000e-07,   6.32440000e-07,   5.09580000e-07], [-149.63  ,  422.88  ,  -76.309 ])
 (11, b'Ar', [  2.03590000e-07,   8.33690000e-07,   9.63480000e-07], [ 484.57  , -267.41  , -352.54  ])
 (12, b'He', [  5.10190000e-07,   2.24700000e-07,   2.38460000e-08], [-231.92  ,  -99.51  ,   32.77  ])
 (13, b'Ar', [  3.53830000e-07,   8.45810000e-07,   7.23400000e-07], [-303.95  ,   47.316 ,  222.53  ])
 (14, b'He', [  3.85150000e-07,   2.89400000e-07,   5.60280000e-07], [ 233.08  ,  254.18  ,  429.83  ])
 (15, b'He', [  1.58420000e-07,   9.82250000e-07,   5.78590000e-07], [ 199.63  ,  203.11  , -425.6   ])
 (16, b'He', [  3.68310000e-07,   7.65200000e-07,   2.98840000e-07], [  66.341 ,  222.32  ,  -97.653 ])
 (17, b'He', [  2.86960000e-07,   1.51290000e-07,   6.40600000e-07], [  90.358 ,  -67.459 ,  -64.782 ])
 (18, b'He', [  1.03250000e-07,   9.90120000e-07,   3.43810000e-07], [  71.108 ,   11.06  ,   15.912 ])
 (19, b'Ar', [  4.39290000e-07,   7.53630000e-07,   9.99740000e-07], [ 239.19  ,  173.83  ,  335.29  ])]

So this makes it really convenient to work with, e.g., the velocity may easily be computed like this:

print(np.linalg.norm(md_data['velocity'], axis=1))

With the output

[ 165.53317168  615.98627785  387.98565049  378.99652094  508.18147093
  874.11550713   94.73885146  339.20775124  312.54965765  730.20064455
  455.01614782  656.20167982  254.48575481  379.66301803  551.07856763
  512.09488281  251.72091508  130.04611632   73.70117372  447.04374406]